Friday, November 22, 2019

5 Networking Connections That Can Help You Land a Job

5 Networking Connections That Can Help You Land a Job5 Networking Connections That Can Help You Land a JobSmart job seekers of every age have heard that who you know is important when trying to land a job. But people just starting out often worry that their networking connections lack the quantity and quality needed to truly impact their search.Not so Plenty of possibilities exist- if you make the effort.Consider these five networking connections that can assist you in launching your career1. School ContactsHappily employed graduates reflect well on a school, so your alma mater will try to help you however it can. Start by staying in touch with the career office, which can alert you to job postings it receives and area hiring events. Keep professors and other mentors with whom youve closely worked updated on your goals so they can keep their eyes open for leads in your industry.And become an active alum. The fellow Tiger you chat with at the Homecoming picnic may be delighted to pay it forward with an introduction or an informational interview.2. Past SupervisorsPeople who have witnessed your skills through internships, summer jobs, or volunteer experience may be excited at the prospect of adding you to the regular staff. Even if no openings exist at the place where you worked, these leaders may know of other opportunities and be proud to vouch for your abilities.3. PeersYour college roommates, old high school pals, summer camp buddies, and traveling baseball squad teammates are likely in a similar job-seeking situation.See if you can help out one another by passing along leads or offering introductions. Also tap those in your age group already happily employed. Many companies conduct employee-referral programs that offer a bonus when someone you recommend gets hired- a win-win for both of you.4. Virtual AcquaintancesOnline communities tear down boundaries and enable connections previous generations never could have imagined. Look for groups, blogs, and forums that speak to you- ones that youre excited to follow and contribute to on a regular basis.Youll make a name for yourself, and other members may be in positions to help with your career aspirations. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete and up to date so that people trying to connect with you have appropriate information.5. FamilyEmbrace the followingIt is perfectly acceptable for your dad to mention to his golf partner that youre looking for a job, and that neighbor Aunt Mabel wants you to meet because he does what you do could turn out to be a godsend.Your family wants to help, so let them. What do you have to lose other than your unemployed status?Start Your Job Search

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